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Sunday 4 March 2018

Rich habits that will make you successful

According to a 2006 Duke University study, 40% or more of our daily activities are habits.

Habits have a very important purpose: They save the brain from work by relegating certain repetitive tasks to a walnut-sized area in the middle of the brain called the "basal ganglia."

By isolating certain repetitive functions to this very small, almost fractional area, the brain frees itself to expand and perform higher level functions.

Habits control our lives, unconsciously moving us either toward success and happiness or toward failure and unhappiness.

Habits compete within the brain.
Neurons (brain cells) compete for something called "cortical space" inside our brains. Think of cortical space as brain real estate. Just like there is strong demand for waterfront property, there is a strong demand for this brain real estate. In order to learn a new skill or fact, or introduce a new habit, we must create a new neural pathway inside our brain.

Creating a new neural pathway, however, is not that easy to do. This is because old neural pathways are very greedy, and don't like to give up any of their brain real estate.

They fight to keep that real estate from other intruding neurons. New activities that are trying to create new neural pathways have to compete for this brain real estate with old neural pathways (old activities).

This is why breaking an old habit is so hard. There is a brain real estate war waging inside our heads when we introduce new habits. Here are the rich habits for prosperity you must cultivate:

All self-made millionaires had to start somewhere. From working while others are sleeping, saving a percentage of their income while others are on vacation, failing while others are compromising, investing while others are spending, amongst others, they follow up relentlessly on their goals till they get to their destinations.

The attribute that defines the journey of self-made millionaires could be called “rich habits”, but knowing the phrase alone never helped anyone. Living through it on the other hand, has over time created more and more fulfilled millionaires who started from nothing.

What millionaire habits then can take you to the top? How do you harness the “rich habits” that have created thousands of millionaires? And what will it take to start the journey to a million dollars?

While many speak for or against overnight success, it happens, but only after many years of smart hustle. If you’re ready to go the extra mile, here are 16 millionaire


1.Tell Yourself You Deserve To Be Rich.

The wealthiest individuals believe that "success, fulfillment and happiness are the natural order of existence," self-made millionaire Steve Siebold writes in his book "How Rich People Think ." "This single belief drives the great ones to behave in ways that virtually guarantee their success."

On the flip side, the average earner remains average because they expect to, the self-made millionaire explains: "The masses think they aren't worthy of great wealth. Who am I, they ask themselves, to become a millionaire?"

Try asking yourself, "Why not me?" After all, that's what the millionaires and billionaires do.

2.Develop A Positive Mindset.

Before you invest, start a business, or even think about starting your journey towards wealth, you must have the right mindset. You must be ready for challenges, obstacles, setbacks, and be ready for anything. You have to be determined that to succeed.

Once the proper mindset is developed, nothing can stop you to becoming a wealthy individual.

3. They Read To Learn.

According to research, 86 percent of wealthy people love to read, as opposed to 26 percent of those who are not wealthy.

When you read, make sure you read to learn. Those who achieve wealth and success are constantly in a state of self-improvement; they read to learn and grow.

As Dr. Seuss said so well, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

They continue to teach and invest in themselves long after formal education is over. "Walk into a wealthy person's home and one of the first things you'll see is an extensive library of books they've used to educate themselves on how to become more successful," Siebold writes.

If it works for the millionaires and billionaires , it could work for you.
So spend 30 minutes a day to read. You will surely be a millionaire sooner or later.

Reading is important because it grows your knowledge base. Reading also keeps your creative juices flowing. All of which are crucial keys to success.

4. They Work Smarter, Not Harder.

A smart approach to work, including taking breaks, makes people more productive.
Hard work is critical, but that doesn't mean they can never enjoy personal time for relaxation and self-improvement.

They have a good balance of work, personal tasks, and pleasure so they can be more creative and more productive--which, in turn, makes them more effective. Work hard, and then take a break. When you come back, you'll be refreshed and more productive.

5. They Surround Themselve With successful and high-earners.

Who you hang out with matters more than you may think. In fact, your net worth tends to mirror that of your closest friends, Siebold points out.

"Successful people generally agree that consciousness is contagious, and that exposure to people who are more successful has the potential to expand your thinking and catapult your income," the self-made millionaire writes. "We become like the people we associate with, and that's why winners are attracted to winners."

Looking for a new crew to roll with? Consider joining a high-end tennis, golf, health, or business club, Eker suggests in "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." "If there's no way you can afford to join a high-end club, have coffee or tea in the classiest hotel in your city," he writes. "Get comfortable in this atmosphere and watch the patrons, noticing they're no different from you."

6. They Get Enough Sleep.

Getting enough snooze time is important as it heals our body and refreshes our mind. A good 7-8 hours of sleep is always recommended. Have you tried sleeping at 3 am just to wake up at 6 am? You just feel cranky and irritable. That's because our body needs more time for it to reset and feel rejuvenated. A well-rested soul is a happy soul.

A good 8-hours sleep can certainly make you feel happy and rested. When you are well-rested, you are more focused and get to accomplish more things.

7. They Wake Up Early
Just as getting enough sleep is important, waking up early is also necessary to achieve a happy and successful life. Have you heard the saying "the early bird catches the worm”? Well, it is popular because people have proven that waking up early helps to accomplish more things.

When you are not rushing through your way to work, you get to enjoy every moment from the time you wake up - the aromatic smell of coffee and the delicious breakfast, the friendly neighbor that greeted you good morning, the cute couple wearing a matching outfit in the subway.

So, instead of pushing the snooze button, rise up early and greet the sun with a happy spirit.

8. They Network.

Research says that 79 percent of wealthy people spend at least five hours a month networking--going to conferences, meeting new clients, attending webinars, meeting for coffee--while only 16 percent of the nonwealthy do. Spending time with like-minded people allows you to align yourself with others and learn from them.

 Whom you hang out with determines what you talk about and what you do about it; you can change your career outcome by being with successful people who will teach you, lift you, and support you.

9. They Foster Their Emotional Intelligence.

Wealthy people know that having good relationships is crucial to success. They are tuned in to their own emotions, which also means they're perceptive at reading the emotions of others. Warren Buffett has stated that emotional intelligence, more than IQ or expertise, accounts for 85 to 90 percent of success. IQ is a threshold competence--you need it, but it does not make you a star. But emotional intelligence can.

10. They Accept The Challenges.

Not everything in life goes the way you planned it. There will always be challenges and problems that you have to overcome.

Face them with a positive perspective.
Embrace the challenges fully and consider them a test to make you a better and stronger person. It’s easier to overcome adversities when you are open-minded and adaptable.

So, whenever you feel there is something that’s blocking your way, shrug your shoulder off, face it with attitude and come out victorious.

11.They Constantly Research The Latest Trends And Technologies:

Times change, industries come and go, and opportunities only get caught by the people who spot them on time. To stay aware of the latest trends and technologies, you need to constantly follow industry news, attend networking events, and join select online social groups.

Research helps people stay ahead of the competition, identify opportunities, predict future & present consumer behaviours, and spot what consumers are already paying for that very few people know about.

This is one of the most important millionaire habits. Research wouldn’t just keep you informed, but would get you prepared for any sudden opportunity that turns up.

12. They Go The Extra Mile:
Regular people work 9 to 5 every weekday. But self-made millionaires? They work till the job gets done.

Overnight success never happens to those who follow the popular routine. It only happens in the businesses and lives of people who work smart when others are sleeping, read when others are distracted, and invest when others are paying bills.

The most successful millionaires are always prepared to go the extra mile, and this doesn’t come cheap. If you’ll stay ahead of the competition, you must be ready to give up your nights for the greater good and still wake up early.

13. They Help Others Succeed.

Behind every successful person is a pack of other successful people. Within this group, are also successful people they raised, themselves.

When you help other success-oriented people succeed, you also help yourself succeed. These people go on to form a larger part of your network, which subsequently affects your net worth.

One of the best ways to succeed is to associate and rub minds with financially intelligent people. Associating with this sect, will expose you to scarce opportunities and information.

In the process, your association will help you all help each other, which would create a team of eventual successful people in the future.

14. Their Goals Are Bigger Than Just Making Money.

When success for a person is placed only on attaining a certain financial target, then the whole point of the entrepreneurial journey has been missed.

People who weigh their successes based on the amount of money they can accumulate are those hit most by economic downturns.

When their financial projections cannot be met, they begin to try a lot of random business ideas without being totally clear of what they’re getting into.

The most successful entrepreneurs place their targets on how great their products and services are, how many customers lives are affected, and how their companies would be able to have an impact in their societies.

Only entrepreneurs who place these core values first before aiming to enrich themselves, build multi-million and billion dollar companies.

If your goal is to only make money, go to a casino. If it’s to change lives and eventually affect millions of people, then start a company.

15. They Are Not Afraid To Fail:
People dread failure more than almost anything. But for self-made millionaires? They welcome it.

Successful entrepreneurs know they never fail, but have only identified a business model, marketing strategy, or business idea that doesn’t work. The second they realise it’s a gridlock, they move on to another prospective project.

Fear only keeps you cautious and afraid to make moves. It keeps your guard up all the time and causes you to miss out on opportunities you could have taken advantage of. This eventually runs into a cycle of regrets and what-ifs that could have been averted.

Failure should only be seen as an opportunity to learn valuable lessons. When you fail, you gain a new experience, turn out smarter, and subsequently reduce your chances of failure on your next trial.

16. They Read Business & Social Psychology books.

One of the greatest millionaire habits to hone to perfection is the unconscious zeal to always increase your knowledge.

Legitimate self-made millionaires always expand their horizons. They read every now and then; especially business and social psychology books.

Business books are great to teach you how to start, run, and grow a successful business, but where they stop, social psychology continues.

There are times when every business tactic to convert prospects to customers don’t work. Those times are only then surpassed with a great understanding of human behaviour. Understanding how people react to various events, what makes them laugh, cry, smile, and more is extremely important for anyone who intends to someday become a great salesman.

By understanding human behaviour and merging it with a vast business knowledge, you’d well be on your way to the top!

1.Develop the Habit of Viewing/Defining success in Relation to Happiness.

This habit tops the list of top habits that are bound to make you extremely successful. According to most highly successful individuals, happiness is the most important thing in life.

When you develop a habit of seeing yourself successful and happy you will surely become highly successful.

2.Take Risks.

Wealth is something that does not happen to you by chance. Becoming wealthy only happens by taking risks. But it is very important to understand that the risks you take must be calculated ones, not foolish ones. Take a look at the scenario that you are in and determine the risk/reward.

Write them down if you need to, but never be afraid to take a risk on something that you feel is necessary. Often times, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.

3.Keep Your to-do List Scaled Down.

You should have at most two important tasks to finish everyday if you really want to become highly successful.

The remainder of your tasks must be done only after you have completed the most important ones. This habit is important because it keeps you focused on the most important goals.

4.Measure Everything.

You must also get into the habit of measuring everything if you really want to become highly successful. For instance, you must be able to measure how you are doing with each and every goal you have set.

Measuring everything helps you discover what works and what doesn’t which are crucial discoveries for you to succeed in life.

5.You Never Fail.

This is a mindset trick that you will need to acquire on your path to wealth and success. You must understand that ever failure is actually a learning experience. If something doesn’t work for you, learn from that experience, and try again in a different way. Thomas Edison once said “I didn’t fail, I just found 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb.”

6.Avoid the Unsuccessful.

You should avoid ”suckers” and the unfortunate at all costs because they will destroy your dreams and influence you in a negative way. If you happen to have friends who are ”suckers”, stop spending time with them. They are not worth your time if you really want to achieve success.

7.Exercise Regularly and Eat Healthy.

Highly successful people understand the importance of having a healthy body and mind. You can’t work if you are sick. You must therefore do everything possible to remain healthy. Exercise 3 to 4 days weekly and eat healthy diets to be able to keep you body and mind healthy.

8.Spend More on Things That Grow or Propel your Dream.

Although spending on entertainment isn’t bad, over 80% of your money should be channeled on personal development such as your business in order to fuel growth. Avoid the habit of spending to boost your image or impress people at all costs.

9.Never give up.

Quite simply, never give up on your goal to become wealthy. If you are prepared mentally, you will be ready for the setbacks.

The wealthiest people on earth experienced many setbacks before they were able to acquire their wealth. Be persistent in your goals and always keep moving forward even in the most difficult of times.

10.Develop a Habit of Making Sacrifices.

To be highly successful in life, you must be able to sacrifice things that you really want in life for the things that will bring success in your life.

This habit is very important because the path to greatness isn’t characterized by easy living and excess spending.

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