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Tuesday 4 September 2018

How you are blocking money from entering your life

Many people have beliefs about money that restrict the smooth flow of money. You might say they are using harmful Law of Attraction ideas. They believe that money always comes as the result of hard work, and that money is scarce and hard to obtain. As you likely have some money energy blocks and counter intentions that are destroying your ability to attract what you desire especially your mental attitude. As stated in this article and how to overcome it.

The good news is that you can change your ineffective ideas about money and begin using the Law of Attraction to make more money. You have the power to reform and change your beliefs. Once your feelings change, your thoughts will automatically begin to shift. With new ideas, comes new emotions and feeling and that is exactly the energy that connects to the Universe and attracts more money.

Money can come into your life fast and without a struggle, or it may never come, and you might always struggle. The choice is yours. What you believe about money is your choice and will have the single biggest influence on your ability to attract the money you desire.

Clearing Limiting Beliefs About Money and Unlocking Your Financial Future.Today is a new day, and you have the means to increase your income, unlocking your abundance in all areas of your life, including financially.

To begin to attract wealth and financial prosperity into your life is through the use of positive affirmations. When it comes to your attitudes about money, your thoughts can indeed direct your results. Words are powerful be negative or positive so be careful of what you say, think and how you act according to it.

Mentally Reprogram Yourself With The Following Abundance Money Affirmation To Unblock Your Wealth.

I have enough money.

I have enough money to take care of my needs at this moment.

I believe in my financial future.

I am financially secure.

I am abundant.

I am building financial wealth.

I am investing in myself.


 Some people are just lucky and born to wealth

The idea that the keys to financial success have already been handed out at birth is ludicrous. Yes, some people are born into wealth, but there are just as many stories of fortunes earned by people born into modest means.      

Tips for financial success are as readily available to those not born into wealth as they are to anyone else. In fact, while luck can sometimes be a factor in success for some, it’s not necessary for reaching financial prosperity and freedom.

The financial prosperity you desire is as much within your reach as it is for anyone else. You hold the keys to your financial success.

 Focusing on lack

Once you start focusing on what is not available and forget what you already have, you stand to lose a lot more than you can really imagine. Once you focus on unrealistic stuff that you do not have, there is a very high chance that you risk losing the little you have as well as missing out on what you just wish to have. Focusing on the lack will only damage your chances.

You give up or don’t even try because you believe it’s pointless

Right along with the idea of settling is the tendency to give up. You experience a few setbacks. You hit a couple of walls. It’s not uncommon to think that there’s no point in even trying. You’ll never have financial success. It’s just too hard.


It’s true that success is not always easy. In fact, it can be downright hard. But if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. And if someone else has done it, that’s proof positive that you can do it too.

 Constant complaints

People who complain too much about what is and what should be or what should have been usually end up losing too much. Complaining how this should have ended up there and not here will make you miss out on way too many opportunities. You should just focus on building yourself instead of complaining.

You feel you don’t deserve financial success

For some strange reason, you hold the misconception that you’re not deserving of financial success. You don’t believe you’re smart enough, tough enough, or talented enough to be financially successful.

This feeling of being undeserving has no basis in reality. Why should you be any less deserving than anyone else? What is it about you that says you shouldn’t have financial security?

Money is a funny thing. We tend to grant it almost mystical power and then are surprised when those powers hold us back.

Once you rid your mind of the thought that you’re undeserving, you’re on your way to clearing limiting beliefs about money and building a secure financial future.


When you are jealous about anyone else because of their successes or because of what they have, you get to lose too much. You will spend most of your time looking at the other person instead of trying to improve yourself.

Only bad people have lots of money

The idea that only bad people are wealthy is a close cousin to the whole money-as-the-root-of-all-evil concept. It just makes no sense.

Sure, there are some less than savory types who’ve earned their money through nefarious means. But there are equally as many, maybe more, people who have wealth and a good heart, all at the same time. Amazing, I know.

But again, this is another example of less-than-positive beliefs about money. You know what kind of person you are. How is it possible that financial prosperity is going to change the very essence of your character?

The simple answer is, it won’t.

Cues From Your Environment

Does your home or work environment subconsciously tune your mind into a vibration of lack rather than abundance? Common blocks of this type include small change carelessly lying around, poorly organized receipts, and items that remind you of your hardest times. Reframe your environment to reframe your thoughts.

There’s only so much money to go around

I’ve heard people say that there’s only so much money to go around and, therefore, there’s just not enough for everyone.

This attitude is a mindset of scarcity, and it’s a self-limiting belief about money that’s blocking your path to financial prosperity.

Rest assured, there’s more than enough money out there to go around. You have as much right to wealth and financial success as anyone else. It is possible to change your mindset to one that attracts wealth and abundance.

 Refusing to acknowledge

You should always learn to acknowledge others for their successes.  It is the only way and the first step towards self satisfaction.

You settle only for what you feel is realistic

If there’s one thing you should never do, it’s settle. Not in relationships or for an unfulfilled life, and definitely not for a limited amount of financial wealth.

I’m not sure what it is about we humans, but we tend to believe we can’t have too much of just about anything. We think there should be limits on what we can and cannot have.

Perhaps limiting beliefs are learned in childhood, or maybe we develop them over time as life poses us with challenges.

When you place limits on what you think you can have financially, you almost guarantee you’ll settle for less than you deserve.

Whatever the reason you’re limiting yourself when it comes to financial prosperity, you need to know that the sky’s the limit. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Always aim higher than you think you’ll go.

Dream big!

 Imbalances in savings

Once you can't balance and lay out your savings, it becomes difficult to even have anything at all for yourself. If you can't manage your own savings, there can be no way whatsoever to be successful wealthy.

Lack Of Specificity

Even if you think you’ve set a clear intention in your Law of Attraction work, many people don’t realize that their subconscious has pushed them to set very vague goals that are hard to visualize and hard to attain. Don’t be afraid to set your mind on a specific amount of money and a specific timespan—this specificity is what gets results.

Money can’t buy happiness

Who hasn’t heard this pithy phrase? Technically speaking, it’s true. Money can’t buy happiness. But I’ll tell you this: Lack of money is a surefire road to unhappiness.

No, money can’t buy happiness. That part is up to you. You make your life happy, or not. Money, in and of itself, doesn’t play into the equation.

Money Is the Root of All Evil

Money is the root of all evil. This is not exactly the wording from the famous phrase in the Bible, but it is the wording that many of us have internalized. The original phrase was more like, “For the love of money is the root of all evil,” depending on the translation you might refer to.

I bet you’ve heard this one before. It’s a phrase bandied about with such frequency that it’s virtually lost all meaning. Not that it ever had much, to begin with, but let’s not split hairs.

The fact is, almost as soon as we’re old enough to speak and understand verbal communication the message that money is evil becomes implanted in our minds.

Money brings out the worst in people, causing them to behave in ways they otherwise never would.

How silly is that idea? The thought is downright laughable.

The point is, it’s not the money that creates the evil. So throw this limiting belief out the window, where it belongs.

You think you can’t handle money

Another common block to financial prosperity is the idea that you’re somehow incapable of managing money. Maybe you’re not very good at math. Perhaps you think you’ll blow every penny you earn and never save a dime.

Again, how you handle your money is within your control. You can spend every dime, certainly. But you don’t have to do that. And that’s the key.

If necessary, educate yourself about how to save money or seek the advice of a competent financial planner. Anyone can learn to handle money. Yes, even you.

Low Expectations

Whether it’s your ability to gain abundance or your faith in the Law of Attraction that’s lacking, a mind that’s full of doubts or low expectations will not be able to harness the energy required for a wealthy life. Reading manifestation success stories can help you boost your vibration and give you powerfully positive expectations.

Beliefs Your Must Hold True to Attract Money Into Your Life.

Money is good.

Money is good for many things in life.  The more we focus on the goodness of money, and the joy it can bring, the sooner we will begin to eradicate the negative beliefs that money is bad or evil.  Money means medical bills that are paid in full, healthy food, a new car, a nice home and much more.  Enjoy money and re-affirm that money is good.

I Deserve ever increasing amounts of money in my life.

Many people live with the attitude that all they need is enough to survive on.  The result is this is all they attract.  If you are one of the few who desire money and lots of it, you must condition the mind to believe that more money is never enough.  Make it a game.  if you make $10.000 a month, try shooting for $15,000 a month.  By the way, this has nothing to do with greed.  It has to do with the joy of collecting money and using it to improve your life and the life of others.  Remember, money is good.

I love the energy of money and the leverage it gives me in my life.

Yes, money gives you leverage to do things you could not do without it.  Money is power.  But notice the beginning of the belief.  ” I love the energy of money.”  Develop a real love affair with money.  Money is good.  The energy of money gives you power, not to be confused with empowerment.  It is nice to have both, empowerment and power.

Money is easy to attract.

When you believe that attracting money is a struggle, it becomes a battle.  When you think that attracting money is easy through the Law of Attraction, it becomes easy.  Make it easy, believe it is easy.

There is more than enough money to go around.

Always believe that no matter how much money you attract through the Law of Attraction, the more money there is to go around for others.  What grows in you grows in others.

Money has no power over me; I have power over money.

Never allow money to have control over you.  You are the attractor, not money.  You have the authority, not money.

I love the power of compound interest.

It is exciting to see your money grow through real estate, stocks, savings, business, etc.  Invest your money to attract more of it.

I am generous.

One of the secrets is to keep money in circulation.  Pay it forward and give some money to charity, those in need.  Do good things with your money.  Never fear not having enough, you will never run out.

It is good to give to get.

Most people believe that is bad to give to receive.  Giving to get is the basis of all good business, all commerce, and the exchange of energy.

Adopting these beliefs and apply them and you will quickly be on your way to attracting more money into your life. Money is fun, it is fun to have money, so why not attract more of it and enjoy life.

You can put the power of the Law of Attraction to work for you and begin to attract large sums of money. Expect money, attract money and live the life of abundance you enjoy.

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